Are You Ready To Join-

Creating the Feminine Economy


With Coach Paula and her TEAM!

Find out how women can collaborate and co-create wealth in any economy.

What Does the Creating the Feminine Economy Collective®



Participate in a monthly coaching call and improve your sales, marketing, confidence and mindset.


Connect with other women who want to build their business by supporting yours.

In Person Meetings

Attend monthly meetings in the community with women entrepreneurs for networking and support.

Build Your Wealth

Join Paula and her team for monthly masterclass about growing your business and income.

Unleash Your Potential: Elevate Your Business with other Women Entrepreneurs!

Build Your Wealth with Unmatched Expertise

  • Feeling stuck in your business growth?

  • The lack of expert guidance can leave you feeling overwhelmed.

  • Traditional business advice just doesn’t cut it.

Dive into masterminds and monthly sessions focused on elevating your income and business.

Imagine a future where your business is thriving, and your income is reaching new heights. In this premier membership, you will join Paula and her expert guests for exclusive masterminds, unlocking the secrets to growing your business and wealth. Picture yourself absorbing invaluable knowledge, implementing groundbreaking strategies, and witnessing your dreams transform into reality.

Collaborate and Thrive in a Supportive Community

  • Struggling to find a supportive business community?

  • Isolation can hinder your business potential.

  • Random networking events are not the answer.


Connect and collaborate with like-minded women entrepreneurs committed to mutual growth.

Visualize a network of ambitious women, all eager to support your business journey. Collaborate and connect with like-minded women entrepreneurs who understand your aspirations and challenges. Feel the energy of mutual support, as you contribute to each other’s success, creating lasting bonds and synergies that propel your business forward.


Elevate Your Skills with Coaching and Support

  • Are sales, marketing, and confidence challenges holding you back?

  • Without the right support, these challenges can seem insurmountable.

  • Generic coaching programs don’t address your unique needs.


Receive personalized coaching to enhance your sales, marketing, confidence, and mindset.

Envision a space where every month, you are empowered with coaching calls designed to enhance your sales, marketing, confidence, and mindset. Hear the sound of your own voice growing more assertive, feel the surge of confidence, and see the positive changes in your business approach. With each session, witness your skills sharpening and your business acumen deepening.

Elevate Your Skills with Coaching and Support

  • Are sales, marketing, and confidence challenges holding you back?

  • Without the right support, these challenges can seem insurmountable.

  • Generic coaching programs don’t address your unique needs.


Receive personalized coaching to enhance your sales, marketing, confidence, and mindset.

Choose Your Package for

Creating the Feminine Economy Collective® membership

Women can do everything.



  • VIP Access to Million Dollar Mondays Zoom Calls

  • Bonus Videos plus Summit Replays

  • Business Resources

  • Community- In person and online



  • VIP Access to Million Dollar Mondays Zoom Calls

  • Bonus Videos plus Summit Replays

  • Business Resources

  • Community- In person and online

  • Bonus 1X1 with Coach Paula

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